Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams
Only You Can Change Your Life

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Let's Go Outside!

Remember how exciting it was when you were a youngster and someone would say, "Let's go outside!" It was a real treat.

Playing outside was so much more fun than being inside the house all day. Imaginations ran wild as stick horses turned into stallions, bicycles became motorcycles, and porches were miraculously transformed into army headquarters.

Outside! It was a beautiful thing.

Today the challenge is to go outside. Leave the computer, the television, the X-box, the Wii behind. Make a concerted effort to breathe in deeply the crisp clean air; feel it as it wafts across your skin; drink in the beauty of the world around you; close your eyes and listen, really listen to the sounds of nature. Those few moments, away from everything electronic (yes, leave that cell phone inside) will rejuvenate you and give you a sense of freedom from the stresses of life.

Your outside time should be pleasurable so no work allowed! Not unless, of course, you're raking up those leaves to take a flying leap into them!

Remember the joys of being outside. Relive those joys again.

Let's go outside!

Playfully yours,

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