Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams
Only You Can Change Your Life

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Limiting Yourself?

"I'll never lose weight."
"I'm sure I won't win."
"I can't."
"I'm too ___ to succeed."

Have you ever been guilty of limiting yourself? Of thinking negative thoughts, speaking negative words that hold you back from your full potential? If so, it's time to put them aside and get on with it!

Realize how much better life can be when, instead of tearing yourself down, you build yourself up. There is enough negativity in the world coming at you every day. Don't wait for others to build you up; do it yourself. Realize YOU are a child of God, made in His image, and in order to go about His business effectively, you need a good self image, confidence and belief in God and His creation: You!

Limiting beliefs can hold you back from your dreams, can lessen your influence with others and can lead to a mediocre life that had the potential of greatness.

Today's challenge: Whenever you begin to belittle yourself, take a moment to replace those thoughts/words with something positive. After awhile, you'll find that your negative thinking is gradually being replaced. You'll feel better about yourself. You'll be a better friend, a better spouse, a better parent, a better business person.

But, don't take MY word for it. In the words of Nike: Just Do It!

Positively yours,