Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams
Only You Can Change Your Life

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

That Darn Straw!

You know the one. The one that broke the camel’s back. If you’re unfamiliar with the proverb “the straw that broke the camel’s back,” it simply refers to a situation where challenging things are happening, your stress levels are rising, and the last thing that pushes you over the top is the “straw.”  The straw doesn’t have to be the most stressful thing; it can actually be the least stressful. It’s simply that last thing. Just like that camel carrying a heavy weight of straw until finally, it’s just too much. And over the edge you go!

That happened to me last night. Fortunately, I caught the edge and, while not gingerly (unless you’re referring to the redhead in me), at least little by little and with great effort, I pulled myself (with some help) back up over the edge and into the world of sanity once more.

Have you ever felt like that? Like if just one more thing happens…..and then it does.

For me, the proverbial straw started with a warning. There was a raging thunderstorm outside, lots of lightning, flash-flooding rains. In the midst of it, I heard a crash. It was so loud it even startled my nearly-deaf dog, Maxie. I saw her head turn toward the spare room. At first I suspected a tree limb, then realized there were no trees on the front side of the house. In mere seconds it dawned on me that the sound had come from inside the house. I opened the door to the spare room and there it was….the straw. It was disguised as pieces of wet ceiling and rain water gracing the floor, the dresser, the book case with their unwanted presence.

And, deep inside, the stress inside me began to multiply.

And over the edge I went.

Now, you have to know that this, in and of itself, would, more than likely, not have pushed me over. But, you know how it is, stress builds upon stress which builds upon stress until finally…..

As I struggled with a solution, not just to that but all the other stress factors, I experienced yet another sleepless night which culminated in a headache and possibly even a few tears. Then I woke to the realization that, oh yes, this was the day that began with a much-needed (and often postponed) dentist appointment. Oh the joy. (Can ya feel it?)

Now you need to know, I like my dentist. In fact, I’ve been going to the same dental office all my life (that’s not an exaggeration; I literally mean “all my life”). It’s just that I’m not so fond of what happens when I get there. Fortunately today, after all was said and done, even x-rays, I walked away with a clean bill of health and a gentle urging to floss more.

But that’s not all that happened. Somehow, when I made the appointment several months ago, there must have been some Divine intervention on picking just this day, the day after the edge. And there were a number of factors involved. Here’s what happened:

  • The night the straw broke my back, it was late. There was literally no one to vent to, commiserate with or otherwise share the joyous news. So, of course, I began by asking God, “Can’t you just do a miracle and fix that mess in there?” Obviously, while He is in the miracle-making business, this wasn’t something He chose to spend his time on. (After a few minutes, I got over that.) However, He did lead me to a passage of Scripture as I lay there and opened the Bible app on my phone. Romans 8:18. That verse was made for times like this! (Read it here.)

  • The next morning, I texted a couple of friends, just asking for prayer. Their responses confirmed that there are good faith-filled people in this world that will pray for you at the drop of a hat, without even knowing your struggle, if you just ask.

  • At the dentist, I was informed it was time to, once again, fill out a medical history document. As I handed it back in, the receptionist looked up, “That was quick!” I glanced down to see I’d checked ‘no’ after all but one medical condition. And then it hit me, pushing me right back up over the edge from which I’d fallen.  And it left me wondering how I could, in the midst of some challenging circumstances, have missed one of God’s greatest blessings. He’s given me, at least for now, pretty good health, a real blessing when I have so much, and so many, to care for.

Then, as I drove away to the office, I began to thank Him for the blessings, not just for my health, but for the means to make a living and the family and friends it takes to make a life. Wow! Somehow the challenges I was facing paled in comparison. (Hey, I have a couple more grandkids on the way!) And somehow, making the call to the insurance company and getting the ball rolling on that front, took some of the stress off, knowing a fix was coming.

The sentiments of my ‘prayer partners’ reminded me of the power in asking and receiving what we ask for. One response was “I always pray for you.” The other “You are always in my thoughts and, now, in my prayers as well.” Then there was the suggestion to, being the music lover that I am, sing my favorite hymn. I tuned my car radio to KLOVE; that’s where my most favorite music resides. Wouldn’t you know it, the song playing was “Flawless” by MercyMe: “No matter the bumps, no matter the bruises, no matter the scars, still the truth is the cross has made you flawless.” Not long after that was “You’re an Overcomer” by Mandisa encouraging me to “stay in the fight til the final round.” (If you haven’t heard it, check it out. The words will pump you up!) I found myself singing along. I didn’t even mind the looks I was getting on the highway. Some days you just can’t worry about what other people think.
courtesy of photos-for-you.com

Then I thought about that straw. I knew when I walked into the house, pieces of ceiling would be hanging down threatening to fall. I knew I’d have to dump out the water I’d caught in the big green container I hastily threw on top of of the dresser last night. And I knew that, no matter what, even when I’m pushed over the edge, I don’t have to stay there. I can come back to this side of sanity, even when dealing with the stress that threatens it. Best of all, I knew that someone, like you, would be reading this, and maybe be encouraged by it, as you’re facing your proverbial straw today.

And, that, my friends, makes everything worth it.

Keep on keeping on,

Friday, June 5, 2015

To Eat It or Not to Eat It: That Is The Question

I recently saw a notice from the Department of Health and Human Services. Yes, some days I do some light reading. This one caught my attention: Studies to Evaluate the Safety of Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Human Food.  


As a consumer of ‘human food,’ I felt it would behoove me to find out more, to know if I am, somehow, consuming veterinary drugs, inadvertently.  I mean, are food manufacturers apt to accidentally spill some doggie drugs into the cake mix? And, if so, is the study being conducted for food safety to deem that it’s okay, no harm done, feed the people the tainted food anyway?

I had to know.

So, I did what any intelligent, and slightly paranoid, person would do: I kept reading.

Turns out, that isn’t the scenario at all. I breathed a sigh of relief. (You can too. Sort of.)

From what I can deduce, and I’m no authority on the subject, the study is being conducted to ensure, if there are any drugs given to the animals we use as food, those drugs won’t affect us unfavorably.  In researching further, words and phrases like “genotoxicity,” “gene mutation,” and “potential aneugenic and/or germ cell effects”   were being thrown around. I felt a measure of concern and realized I need to pay better attention to what I’m putting in my body and serving to my family.

Of course, now I’m thinking maybe the vegans had it right all along. Maybe I should re-think consuming meat, at least until the study is complete. Or go organic, free range, the grapefruit diet, bread & water….

But when that pepperoni pizza is calling…..

What would YOU do?

Ravenously yours, 

Friday, May 22, 2015

He Saved Me from a Shower

A couple of days ago, I went with a few guys from the office to the building next door for lunch. There’s a little catering business in there and they’ve accommodated us by setting up a cafeteria-style line four days a week. On this particular day, we took the 3-minute hike over and enjoyed a nice lunch. Just as we prepared to leave, the bottom fell out. Now, for you Southerners, I’m sure you know that means: it was raining outdoors. And not a little wimpy Spring shower, but raining cats and dogs! (Another popular expression which may or may not be limited by these here Southern borders.)

There we were, staring through the glass door, having conversations such as:
“I think the sky’s lightening up; maybe it’ll stop soon.”
“What the….It’s only supposed to be a 30% chance of rain!”
“I can’t believe I left my umbrella at my desk!”
“I can’t believe I’m gonna be sitting at my desk the rest of the afternoon, cold and wet.”
“Dang. The closest Uber is 15 minutes away.” (This from the guy from San Diego)
“Really? North Carolina has Uber?”

FYI- In case you haven’t heard of Uber, this company boasts rides that are “better, faster, and cheaper than a taxi.” 

There we stood, forlorn, as the rain continued to pelt the pavement before us.

Apparently, the guy at the security desk took pity on us. He handed us a brand new umbrella, saying, “Here you go. Just bring it back the next time you come in.”

Simple. Straight-forward. Saving me, and my buddies, from a mid-day shower. (And one that was none too warm.) On the way back, San Diego said, “That would never happen in California. People here are so nice.” It made me feel good that one of my North Carolinians had represented our Southern hospitality so well. By now we were heading out the door, the sky really was lightening up a bit, and the security guard had returned to his desk.

Have you ever just wanted to turn around and hug somebody? In that moment, I felt just like that. And while I didn’t hug him, I thought, what can I do to brighten up this security guard’s day? The answer came as I was preparing to return the umbrella the following day. I stopped by the store, bought some fresh chocolate chip cookies, enough for him and his coworkers. It was a small price to pay to be saved from a rain shower.

The smile on his face was all it took to know I’d made his day. It warmed my heart.

My favorite Leo Buscaglia quote sums it up best: "Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."

You have the power to turn a life around. Every day your choices can make or break another person’s day. A simple choice to extend a smile, a helping hand, or a prayer, might just make someone’s day and save them from a cold rain shower or something more. 

And somehow, I believe, when you do that, you’ll make God smile.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Finding the Way to Your Happy Place

Today was just like any other weekday. Neither bad nor good. A bit ordinary. Then, one of my colleagues brought in cake for the entire department. It wasn’t just ANY cake; it was pound cake. And it wasn’t just ANY pound cake. It was homemade! Yum! She has shared with me that she finds baking therapeutic and does it often. She said it would be a perfect happy place if it just didn’t cost money. Several of us are Weight Watcher-ing it, too, so we’re careful in our splurging. But this was CAKE, y’all! As I was slicing a piece of heavenly goodness, a thought came to mind: “Every good thing costs money and Weight Watcher’s points.”

Do you have something in your life that takes you to your happy place? Something that helps relieve the stresses you pick up during the day? Something that will help you lay those stresses down, even if for only a moment?

If not, it’s time to go in search of your happy place. Here’s a few questions that can help steer you in the right direction:
1.       What would you love to do if money were no object?
2.       What makes you smile and lightens your heart?

It may take a moment to thoroughly answer those simple questions. No problem. I can wait.
[Insert the theme from Jeopardy here.]

Okay, admit it. Now you’re hearing the Jeopardy music. (You can thank me later.)

Now that you’re back. What did you learn? Did you identify some things that bring you happiness and peace? Now for the rest of this little exercise. Divide a piece of paper (or Word document) into two columns. On the left side, write down all the answers to those two questions. On the right side, write down any actions, hobbies, destinations, activities that match up and can take you to a happier, less stressful place. It’s optimal if you can identify what can de-stress you daily and, like an exotic destination, what can provide a little break from the every day. Categorize your list as I have.

Some of my favorites are:
·         Daily- music (listening to it, singing it and taking the Karaoke stage once in a while)
·         Weekly- play (time with the grandkids)

·         Monthly (or less)- massage (every 6-8 weeks works for me); blogging (yes, this is my therapy!)
·         Yearly- family vacation (spending time at the ocean or in the mountains recharges me)

Next time you start to feel the stress, pick from your list and use what you’ve identified to take you to that happy place. The best part is, not only will you feel better, you’ll be a better parent, friend, colleague, mentor, etc. When you take care of you, you empower yourself to better take care of your world.

So, today, when my colleague brought in the cake, not only had she found her happy place, she shared happiness with others too. Trust me on this. As I saw the smiles all around, there was definitely happiness on the rise in this place! (Denise rocks!)

Today, I’ll leave you with this. Before you log off your computer, before you power down your smart phone, find a place with no distractions, look up your favorite upbeat song, and listen in. Sing along. Dance if you're so inclined. It's Guaranteed to make you smile.

Jean Bailey Robor is that "No Buts About it" expert who simply wants you to lead happier and more successful lives. Getting past what's holding you, your team or your organization back and changing your mindset can put you on that path to better and more productive living. Click here to book Jean for your next event!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Learning Life Lessons in Unlikely Places

Last weekend I took my granddaughter to the Burlington City Park for an Easter Egg hunt. The best part was that the first hunt would be for children ages 2-5. Maddie is 3. Perfect! Without all the older kids on the field vying for eggs, she was sure to get a few to put into her basket. 

When we arrived, all the kids and parents were lined up in a HUGE circle with a TON of brilliantly colored eggs gracing the field. We all stood at the ready, waiting for the sign when we could converge upon the shiny orbs and make them ours. Maddie and I were just 3 deep in line from the closest eggs. 

I've never seen anything like it, y'all. When it was time to 'hunt,' the sea of humans overtook those eggs and in less than a minute, the game was over. 

And Maddie's basket was.....empty

Hers wasn't the only one and there were parents commiserating the disappointment. Not wanting Maddie to get caught up in it, I leaned down and said, "Hey, let's go for a ride on the train!" "Yay!" she said and, in her excitement and anticipation, she completely chose to focus on the fun ahead and not the disappointment of an empty Easter basket. 

Have you ever focused on what you didn't have or what went wrong? I know I have. It'll ruin a good day. 

Not only did we ride the train, but she enjoyed rides on a boat, truck and helicopter. (That was $5 worth of tickets well spent!) 
"Let's go to the playground, Mimi!" and off she ran with me quickly following. I realized that, while I used to walk fast to keep up, now I was having to run too. (Getting in shape isn't just an option anymore!) She buried her feet in sand. And, as it was a little cool, Mimi (yeah, that's me) wouldn't let her go barefooted, so we simply dumped the sand out of the shoes after. (Sorry, mom, if you're washing sandy socks today.)

Finally, I saw her eyeing the BIG SLIDE. She took a few steps toward it. And looked to me. "Oh, no, chickadee, that's for bigger kids." 

"Mom and Dad let me do it." 

Now, having been a kid myself, I know that sometimes, we use that line to get our way whether it's completely true or not. After a minute of conversation, and ending with, "Maybe mom will slide down with you later," the fun continued but on the smaller, safer slides. 

Soon mom stopped by and informed Mimi that, yes, Maddie could slide down the BIG SLIDE......all by herself! (Obviously, this kid is growing up faster than I can keep up with!)
I had limited her in my own mind, even questioned her integrity, and yet she was completely capable and eager to tackle something BIG. And she'd spoken the truth. Have you ever been limited by another person's beliefs in what you're capable of? Have you ever known in your heart you could accomplish something, but limited yourself because of what others thought? Has your integrity been questioned? 

I learn a lot from other people. Who knew I'd learn some life lessons from hanging out with a 3-year-old? Where do you find teachable moments?

   *Focus on the opportunity, not the disappointment. 
   *Believe in yourself, even when others don't. 
   *Have fun!

Join me in looking for opportunities to learn and grow. Even if the lessons are in unlikely places, like on a spring day hanging out with a 3-year-old. And, if that's the case, you're guaranteed to have fun!

Kudos to the young man at the park who tried to convince his son to share an Easter egg with the little girl who didn't have any. Even though it didn't work out, it was great to see a parent making an effort to teach his child about sharing. (Maddie's Mimi says, "You rock!")

Jean Bailey Robor is that "No Buts About It" expert who simply wants you to lead happier and more successful lives. Getting past what's holding you back and changing your mindset can put you on that path to better living. Click here to book Jean for your next event!

UPDATE: The next day, Maddie had an egg hunt at my house. Guaranteed to find a basketful of eggs! 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Let's Talk Toastmasters!

The first time I heard the word Toastmasters, I thought…..toast…..what? I’d never heard of Toastmasters International. And I lived in a town where a Toastmasters club had been around longer than I had! Sometimes the best things are the best kept secrets. Today, I want to let you in on this secret, which really isn’t a secret at all. Toastmasters International is an organization that helps its members develop and hone their leadership and communication skills.

First, let me take you back, over ten years ago, to where I was when I first darkened the door of my local Toastmasters club. I was in a really tough place in my life. A few years prior, my family had been torn apart by divorce. If you’ve ever been there and done that, you know what I’m talking about. It was a huge life-changing event that almost destroyed me. You can just imagine where my confidence and self esteem were after that. Yep, in the crapper. Can I say that here? That’s exactly where I was….lower than I’d ever been, with an emotional pain that manifested itself physically every single day. Finally, I became numb and was just going through the motions to move forward, keep my job and try to hold it together when my children were around. I was failing miserably.

After a few years of this, (yes, I said 'years') I happened to be sitting at my desk one day, in my little gray cubicle, listening to a book on CD. It was written by a life coach, CherylRichardson, who casually mentioned she’d learned to speak in public through Toastmasters. This gal wasn’t just any life coach. She was well known in her field and, later on, I’d see her on Oprah. But she’d planted a seed, sparked my interest, when she mentioned Toastmasters.

And I’d thought: Toast…what? I did what I often do when I hear about something new to me. I googled it. Found out there was a club meeting right here in my hometown that evening. I knew I had to be there, to check it out, to see what Cheryl was talking about.

Now, I wasn’t interested in public speaking. No way! I could hardly look someone in the eye when speaking one on one. And to give a presentation at work? Hey, if they’d asked me to do that, I probably would have found another job. (Seriously.)

So, I showed up at the club meeting, slinked into the back row of seats, and experienced my first taste of Toastmasters. I’d like to say that I saw the value of the Toastmasters educational program and signed up that night. For me, that wasn’t the case. Remember, I was in a very emotionally painful place. What I found that night was what I needed. 

And, I don’t know what you believe. But I believe, for me, it was a God-thing. Here’s why. I saw people with positive attitudes. I saw people that were rooting for each other to succeed. These Toastmasters, they applauded everything! (You Toastmasters out there are smiling right now, aren't you? Yeah, you know it's true.) The atmosphere made me feel good and the people were friendly.

I didn’t join that night. I went home and thought about it for a week. Because that’s just who I am. The next Monday night I showed up with a check in hand. I was in! (Shout out to Burlington Toastmasters!)

No one in my club knew why I joined. They didn’t know where I was in my life. All they knew was that I was a new member and they were determined to make me feel welcome and get me involved.

In that very first meeting, I’d seen a man give a really good speech. I’d told him I enjoyed it after the meeting. He told me something I’ll never forget. He said when he first visited the club, he’d sat in the back row just like I had. He said his fear of public speaking had been so great that he couldn’t even  stand up and introduce himself. Gosh, even I could do that! Probably not very well, but I stumbled through it. I was totally blown away by this guy’s confession. I’d just seen him get up in front of a group of people and give a good speech, without any apparent nervousness. Wow! So, during the week, from the time I visited to the time I joined, I thought about him. I thought of how far he’d come just by joining Toastmasters. And I decided if it could do that for him……then what could it do for me? I needed to find out.

Toastmasters was a part of what it took to get me from the broken place I was in, to where I am now. Did it cure my pain? No, it’s not about that. What it did was give me tools to make my life better, no matter where I chose to take it. The educational program helped me develop skills that affected my personal and professional life in a postitive way. I could communicate one on one more easily. I could speak up in meetings instead of being shut down by my own fear. And finally, and surprisingly, I found a real love for speaking  in public, something I never would have considered before Toastmasters or even as a new member. But I found a love for it because I saw how people can help other people best from the stage. You can inspire, motivate, teach and train so many people at once! And I knew that’s what I wanted to do.

Without my Toastmasters experience, I would have missed out on so much over the past ten years.

Life is so much better now, y'all. 

This is my personal take on Toastmasters. You can read my story in the book “Heart of aToastmaster” by Sheryl Roush. It's full of stories of people just like me, who found the benefit of Toastmasters for them.

To see where I am now, visit my website www.jeanbaileyrobor.com. Or look me up on SpeakerMatch.  Toastmasters has helped me stop putting limiting beliefs on me. And it’s helped me heal from some pretty deep wounds.

So, what’s in it for you? Are you ready to find out? Why not visit a meeting and see? Visit Toastmasters.org and find a club meeting near you. You might find more than one. Visit them all and see what’s the best fit.

Who knows? Maybe a year or two from now you’ll look back and see how your life is better because you took the initiative to invest in you through Toastmasters. And, if you do, let me know. 

Rock on, 

Jean Bailey Robor is that “No Buts About It” expert who simply wants you to lead happier, more successful lives. Getting past what’s holding you back and changing your mindset can put you on that path to better living. Click here to book Jean for your next event!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Different Take on the Take-Down of the Go Daddy Puppy Super Bowl Ad

There it was. Out there for the world to see. The now infamous, but not so adorable, puppy commercial. If you haven’t seen it, click here now or read on. Called “Journey Home,” there was a little lost puppy that stole all our hearts. In fact, it looks a lot like my little furry friend did when I first took her in 15 years ago. In the clip, the puppy fell out of a pickup truck and became separated from his family. There were shots of him trying desperately to find his way home. Even though it was just a commercial, I found myself cheering this little puppy on, back into the arms of his owners and the familiar warmth of hearth and home.

And then it happened. In the comedy world, it’s called the twist. That line that takes you in a whole different direction and punches up the humor. In a movie, a comedy, it would have been hilarious. Told in a comedy club the bit would have been ridiculously funny. To use this bit to represent a company that should impart a certain customer service message to gain more business, it not only fell flat, it fell farther than flat.

Here’s why. As the puppy happily returns home, his owner is ecstatic, “Look, it’s Buddy! I’m so glad you made it home!” She scoops him up in her arms, holding him close. This is where our hearts are warmed to the nth degree. For pet owners, we know the joy of holding our precious pets close, and some of us know the joy of finding a pet that was lost, even if it just ran off for a short while (like my little Maxie did back in her younger days). Then, all the warm fuzzy feelings we have are immediately dashed as Buddy’s owner takes a tone that drips of greediness, “Because I just sold you on this website I built with Go Daddy.” Then, as the puppy is boxed up in a van, she says, “Ship ‘em out!”

Some said it was a spoof on the Budweiser “Lost Puppy” commercial which you can view here. Spoofs are better served on Saturday Night Live. The difference is, with the Budweiser “Lost Puppy” our hearts are warmed through and through till the end. It leaves us with that warm feeling and, even for folks like me who don’t drink beer, I have a good feeling towards the company that put it out there. Unlike the feeling I have at the end of “Journey Home.” It warms our hearts then turns them cold. And leaves some debating the ethical question of dog breeding.

I’m sure the writers intended to give us a laugh. Let’s face it, Go Daddy is known for creating commercials that are edgy. But, the viewers’ reactions beg the question: Is Go Daddy being served well by the commercials they’re creating? What kind of message does it send?

Here’s a few reactions from both (or all) sides of the fence:

     Michael G. says, “Someone thought this commercial was funny, but it backfired…I think it’s sick.”
     JuiceBoxing says, “Hey, the commercial was meant to be funny.”
     Ruth C. says, “Made me not want to use Go Daddy. Not cool!”
     Scott K. says, “Such an awesome ad. I can’t stop laughing.”
     Chrissy C. says, “I never seen a more horrible commercial ever.”
     Jeff H. says, “I’m so disappointed in Go Daddy, especially as one who volunteers and fosters for rescues.”
     Vicomi says, “#GoDaddyPuppy ad proves why understanding customers’ emotions is so important.”

I’ve been a customer of Go Daddy for years. You can view my Go Daddy website here. The customer service I’ve received over the years could not have been better. Whenever I’ve dealt with their techs, they’ve been super helpful. And Go Daddy provides a great service for both the novice and the expert in building websites. Plus, they are continually making their products and services better.

If I sound like a fan, I am. Do I think the company has poor judgment in commercials? Yes. And that’s my opinion. Just like the opinions you read above. Personally, I think it would be cool to see the commercial end with Buddy being welcomed home, just as he was, then show the website about the family's business (totally unrelated to dog breeding) and showing Buddy as the mascot.
Go Daddy’s CEO Blake Irving admitted, “We underestimated the emotional response.” It happens. Lesson learned. It will be interesting to see what Super Bowl ad the Go Daddy marketing team comes up with next. I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to it.
And this is my take on the take-down of the “Journey Home” Super Bowl commercial. What’s YOUR take? 

www.JeanBaileyRobor.com (Yep, that's my Go Daddy site)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year: Selling Yourself....Every Day

In some of my talks, I share with my audience how we sell ourselves every day. Before you say, "Naaa, I don't do that," bear with me and see how, intentional or not, you sell yourself.
Now, I'm not talking about 'selling out' or participating in the 'world's oldest profession.' I'm talking about the perception others have of you due to how you:
  1. Speak
  2. Treat others
  3. Present Yourself
Do you speak words of wisdom and kindness? Do you treat others according to the Golden Rule? Do you present yourself like a professional or give in to emotions / whims? (Okay, y'all, maybe I do act on a whim once in a while...)
People are watching, and once you realize that, it may cause you to live life differently. You and I have an influence, good or bad, on others. And, now that we realize this, we can choose to accept it in the following ways:
  • Acknowledge the truth and resolve to live life better.
  • Acknowledge the truth and decide you really don't care.
  • Dismiss the truth and continue to live your life just the way you are. (Which may be a fine way to live...or not.)
I was talking with a friend recently. He shared that a speaker who, on the surface, really seems to have it all together, has tarnished her 'professional' reputation in the way she handles her personal life in public: drunkenness, flying off the handle, being manipulative and devious. This is more than enough to prevent me from inviting her to speak to any organization or share the stage with me. In business, it's more than important to be able to trust those with whom you trust the reputation of your business.
So, it goes in life. No matter what business you're in, people are watching who YOU are. You truly are selling an image of yourself every day, who you are. And it matters.
Today, I happened to read a blog post by Darren LaCroix. If you aren't on Darren's Stage Time newsletter email list, sign up nowYou can thank me later. In this particularly post, "Stage Time: Bill Cosby, O.J., and You?" Darren shares that we have an opportunity to influence others around us by example. He says: People close to us are watching our actions more closely than the words they hear us say. (Click here to read the entire post.)
You're still here? Seriously, go read Darren's post. He says it all.
And remember, you really do sell yourself every single day. You don't have to be perfect. Just be you, the authentic you. And make sure you're selling who you want the world to see.
Imperfect but working on it,
Jean Bailey Robor is that “No Buts About It” speaker who simply wants you to lead happier, more successful lives. Getting past what’s holding you back and changing your mindset can put you on that path to better living. Click here to book Jean for your next event!