Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams
Only You Can Change Your Life

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Why We Can't Call It "Christmas" Anymore

It seems that each year, more and more people jump on the bandwagon in the guise of political correctness to take away the freedom of speech the United States Constitution guarantees.  But it wasn’t always like this. Oh, yes, Virginia, there really IS a Christmas.

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away…..no, actually, right here in our own backyard …. greeting someone in the month of December with “Merry Christmas” was not only acceptable, it was….get this…..not offensive.  Even folks who didn’t celebrate Christmas felt the warmth behind the greeting. There was nothing unpleasant, nothing derogatory, no ill intent construed.

So, how did we get from there to where we are now? And just within my short (short being debatable) lifetime?

According to an article on the www.law.cornell.edu website, when referring to freedom of expression protections within the First Amendment of the US Constitution, “the right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government.”  The Supreme Court interprets the extent of the protection afforded to these rights.

Good men and women have fought and died for us to have these rights. Can you just imagine what they would think if they knew that we Americans were at odds over the words “Merry Christmas”? How trivial (and foolish?) it would seem that folks would get visibly angry by a warm greeting? Or, just as bad, that folks would get bent out of shape because someone wished them “Happy Holidays” in the same warm spirit? (Yes, it happens.) Who ARE these angry people? Obviously, this Christmas-Holiday thing is just a small part of what must be bigger issues.

I truly believe how we’ve arrived here, where “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Holiday” greetings are no longer embraced, has more to do with our evolving culture than the mere words, and meanings behind the words,  themselves. As a society, I believe we’ve:
  • Embraced political correctness to such a polarized point that ‘tolerant’ has become ‘intolerant’
  • Taught our children, by our own actions and lack of discipline, that disrespecting another human being is okay
  • Missed the true meaning of what ‘being human’ is all about

And this, in my opinion, has led to why we can’t call it “Christmas” anymore. And yet, I also believe that we’ve been sold a bill of goods that EVERYONE believes this way, that EVERYONE could potentially become offended if we speak those dreaded words “Merry Christmas.” 

I believe we need to reinforce that it’s okay to be greeted by “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” without taking, or feeling we should take, offense. I also believe if we respond to a well meant “Happy Holidays” greeting with an angry and defiant “Merry Christmas,” we are only adding to the problem. Who declared THAT to be acceptable behavior?

Jim Krumel, editor of The Lima News, recently cited the following survey results in a blog post. When polled by the Pew Research Center about the phrase they most preferred to be greeted with among businesses, the majority of Americans responded that……(drum roll, please)……it didn’t matter.  (This is when “it doesn’t matter” was an option. When not an option, “Merry Christmas” was chosen  57% of the time.) Read Jim’s entire blog post here.

Posts and comments I’ve read recently include:

“I am not a Christian, but I don’t find it offensive when well-wishers offer me a Merry Christmas. I take it in the spirit it is intended.” – KitFox

“The way I look at it is if a Jewish friend offered Happy Channukah to me, and I were offended at that, wouldn’t that make me a jerk? Can’t we all, pardon the expression, just get along?” –Chris Behrens


In exercising my freedom of speech, I say “Merry Christmas” around here. Whatever you say, be it “Feliz Navidad,” “Happy Channukah,” “Happy Holidays,” “Seasons Greetings,” “Joyeux Noel,” “Happy Kwanzaa” or “Warm Wishes to You.”  In the spirit of the season, let’s just greet and be greeted and be merry.

Happy Festivus!

Err….I mean….Merry Christmas.

And I hope you took that in the warm spirit in which it was intended.


Jean Bailey Robor is that “No Buts About It” speaker who simply wants you to lead happier, more successful lives. Getting past what’s holding you back and changing your mindset can put you on that path to better living. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

#31DaysOfKindess It's On!

It all started when my friend World Champ Ryan Avery presented a challenge. For those of you who know me personally, you know, when there's a challenge like this, I just can't resist. And resist, I could not. 

Ryan said (or, if he'd been raised here in North Carolina, he would have said) "Hey, y'all, come join me in this #31DaysOfKindess challenge!" Actually, what he did was spur us on not only to rise up to the challenge, but to share what we were doing on social media using the hashtag #31DaysOfKindness. Obviously, this does two things: 1) It keeps us accountable and on task, 2) It keeps us connected with others participating in the challenge. Honestly, I have dearly loved searching on #31DaysOfKindness and finding out what others are doing. (As you can see, just from this Twitter feed, I'm lovin' it.)
It's been amazing what is happening in my own life. It's certainly proving the wise old words of the Bible true: It's more blessed to give than to receive. On Ryan's page, when he wrote 'Let's make a difference in the lives of thousands...' I wonder if he realized those 'thousands' he spoke of included us, the ones he challenged. 

For instance, on Day 1 we hand wrote  thank you letters. I couldn't tell you, prior to this, how long it has been since I wrote a handwritten letter. Before the days of email, I would write at least a letter (or more) a week. That just fell by the wayside once sending an email or text message became the norm. We share and receive information in real time or within seconds. Why even bother writing a letter where the recipient won't get it for a day or two? Here's the beauty of it. Keep sending the emails and texts, but when it comes to expressing something heartfelt, like gratitude, honor that person by sending a handwritten letter. It will make a difference. The cool thing is, the day after the challenge, a woman whom I greatly admire bought my lunch and shared some valuable business tips. You guessed it. I sent another handwritten thank you letter. 

I'd say this challenge is not going to last just 31 days. The joy we're bringing to others, whether buying a coffee, sharing an article, offering an apology, these are the things that are making a difference. And there's just no stopping the kindness in the human heart once it gets fired up. 

If you're a part of the challenge, watch out. After 31 days I have a feeling you'll see life, and the people in it, a little differently, and you'll be seeking out ways to be kind. 

If you're not part of the challenge, it's never too late to step in and be kind. 

For a look at what happened on the Day 8: Give a book to a friend challenge, take a look at the video I posted on my Facebook page. (And while you're there, friend me.) 

Let's do what we members of the human race do best, be kind. Anything less is not enough. 

Rock on, 

As a motivational humorous speaker, Jean Bailey Robor is available for corporate, civic and faith-based events. Book her here

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Champion's Blog Post

Recently, I read a blog post by a World Champ. Now, that's not unusual. I believe if you have a dream, you need to follow those who have been there and done that. My dream is to become better at what I do: connecting with an audience. So, I listen and learn to those who have done and are doing just that.

One of those folks is World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren LaCroix. You may have heard of him. If not, stop reading now and click here to see his winning speech.

That speech won Darren the World Championship in 2001. Since then, he has dedicated himself to helping others become better speakers. I had the privilege of seeing him in person last year in Cincinnati, OH. It was standing room only. No surprise. He's THAT good.

Last month, Darren posted a blog that not only impressed me, it made me think. And that's the best kind of blog. Within a few minutes of reading it, I was challenged to further reveal my authentic self in my presentations, in my blogs, whenever I speak with people.

Today, I want to share Darren's life-changing blog with you. Click here to read it now.

I challenge you to think about that part of you that you need to share to connect with others, to become more authentic. Maybe it's time you, like Darren, shared your relationship with God.

Maybe it's time you begin that relationship.

Having a balanced life includes the spiritual. I truly believe that. I'm living proof as there have been times over the years when I've been close to God and other times when I wasn't so close. Wherever I've been, it's affected other areas of my life.

That's why reading Darren's God Blog had such an impact.

Be bold. Be brave. Be authentic.


Ready to book Jean for your next event? Click here now!

(This blog post was reprinted from The Champion's Connection Network blog by Jean Bailey Robor.)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Snapped! on Oxygen. Yeah, that's me.

"I just saw YOU on TV!" That's what she said and it was true. Me and my friends just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Scene from "Snapped!" Season 13, Episode 5. Click here to watch the mini-episode. (Warning: contains graphic images) We're on around minute 3. Not to worry. I didn't 'snap'! Even though my friend Randy now says, "I'm a bit scared to know you right now." Yeah, don't mess with this redhead, y'all, or I'll.....walk across the street."

For Meeting Planners (or anyone who is interested in hiring Jean)

If you're in charge of booking speakers for your organization, you know the value of hiring a speaker who accomplishes what you want / need for your audience. And you can imagine the stress of hiring a speaker who does not meet the needs of your audience. 
Jean is passionate about what she does. She is also sensitive to what you do. While she wants your business, she's aware of the task you have of finding the best speaker that 'fits' your needs. (She's even talked meeting planners OUT of hiring her when they want a different kind of speaker.)
Here's some info that Jean has put together, just for you: 

What can Jean do for you at your next event?
  • Keynote
  • Workshop / Educational Session
  • Panel Discussion
  • Facilitator
  • Emcee
  • Presentation Coach
  • Break-outs
  • Round-table discussion
  • Stand Up Comedy

What is the best way to set up the room?
If you have more than 50 people, a raised platform is preferable. After all, Jean is a wanna-be tall & skinny girl. Actually, a platform is preferable for any of Jean’s presentations for that very reason, just to give everyone a clear view. But, if you can’t accommodate, no sweat. Jean’s pretty good at standing tall. (Especially in heels!)
Set the room wide, not narrow, and stagger the seating if possible. This gives attendees a clearer view. Seat attendees close to the front of the room. You may want to rope off the back rows of seating until the front section is filled.
Be sure the stage area is well lit; spotlights work wonders.

Any audio / visual needs?
Jean works best when NOT behind a lectern. She likes getting up close and personal to the audience with a hand-held mic. If you don’t have a mic stand, let Jean know. She’ll bring her own.  If you prefer she present behind a lectern, let her know.
If Jean will be presenting with a slide deck, be sure to have a projector / screen handy.

Are you ready to book Jean? (or at least to learn more about her)

Already booked Jean?
Smart move! Here’s what to expect:
  • A pre-program questionnaire- the more details you share the better your event will be. And, as always, it will be customized to your audience.
  • An agreement to sign.
  • Jean’s personal contact info so you can get in touch with her anytime.
  • Promo photos, short and long bio.
  • Ask about a Promo video! (made just for your event!)
  • A speaker that is professional and super easy to work with!

Still have questions? Visit Jean's website: www.JeanBaileyRobor.com or email her at Jean@JeanBaileyRobor.com