Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams
Only You Can Change Your Life

Thursday, November 7, 2013

She Tried to Slap Me, But...

She was a friend. On Facebook. And a little more than an acquaintance in ‘real life.’ We’d had some respectful differences of opinion in the past. She leans to the left; I lean to the right. And, on some issues, we meet in the middle.

Today, I must have pushed her over the edge.

Here’s what happened.

I read an article on Facebook as I often do in the mornings before I get out of bed. It’s sort of a routine. Grab the phone, turn off the alarm, check the social media sites. Yeah, I’m a creature of habit. Someone had posted an article that I found interesting if a bit disturbing.  Although I’m not the most political person, as an American citizen, I feel a certain obligation to keep informed about what’s going on in my country, whether I agree with it or not.

I knew, from the content, if I reposted the article I would get some backlash. So, as I posted it, I added this disclaimer to my post: “This isn't a political post.  Just sharing something that I find disturbing from a former Secret Service agent.” I figured my Facebook friends, several of whom have differing yet intelligent opinions, might post a little response and I looked forward to reading their take on this. Little did I know that within minutes of posting, I would be severely judged.

How do you feel when you’ve been judged by someone? The thing is, we can’t control what others choose to think or feel; we can only control ourselves. So when I saw a private message within minutes of re-posting that article, I knew just how it felt to be judged unfairly.  This is the message I received: “I think it is time for me to unfriend you. I don't think I knew who you were in the past. The blatantly unChristian things that I have read with racist overtones have truly surprised me. I will pray for you.”

For anyone who truly knows me, you know that this does not paint an accurate picture of who I am. Yeah, I’m that gal that posts all the warm fuzzy stuff on your Facebook page. The one who wants to encourage other people to live above, not beneath, their circumstances. The one who quotes Rodney King, “Why can’t we all just get along?”

Ultimately, I’m a big girl. I can take it. Now, just 12 hours later, I found another post on my page. Not an article this time, but a quote. A quote that spoke to my heart: “No matter how good a person you are there will always be someone criticizing you.” It felt like validation. Must be a God-thing.

Yeah. You know I shared that one. (You can check out my Facebook page to be sure.)

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather choose to be content than let someone else’s opinion of me dictate who I truly am.  There will always be someone criticizing you. The best we can do, you and me, is to define our purpose and live it. It won’t make us perfect but it will help us be perfectly content in our own skin.

So next time when someone tries to verbally slap you in the face, take heart. Remember who you are and Whose you are. And live life happy.

And, if it helps, remember I’ve been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I'm sorry this happened. It has happened to me. And the saddest part of all is that you weren't even given the option to discuss it. That person was judge and jury to something you had already pointed out was not necessarily your opinion. It's sad that person's mind is so closed. It's sad that they felt the need to lash out at you, even privately. It is great however, that you didn't let it get you down too much. Those who know you, really know you, know who you are. We know your values, and we know that you are strong enough in your convictions to be able to look at other views. That doesn't mean you agree with the subject. It may simply be thought-provoking.

It's more and more common for people to feel that in a social media setting, they can say anything. Words hurt, whether they are spoken or typed on a web page.

There is responsibility with anything we say to others, no matter how we communicate.

The most sad thing is that if that person did indeed unfriend you, they lost the possibility of getting to know you better, and in so, lost having a great friend in their life.

You can only be who you are, and yes, WHOSE you are. And you know what? That's good enough for the One who counts the most, and for those of us who know and love you.