Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams
Only You Can Change Your Life

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Black Friday Sale: Buy One, Get One (limited time)

Tony Robbins, motivational coach, says “The secret to living is giving.” In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday (and Black Friday shopping), I am offering, just for 11/24-11/25/2011, a ‘Buy One, Get One Free’ of my latest book, SHE HAS A BIG ‘BUT’! GET PAST YOUR EXCUSES & REALIZE YOUR DREAMS. The idea is to give you the opportunity to put the secret into practice. Buy a book for yourself and you’ll automatically get another to pass along to a friend.

According to Tony, 34 years ago, all he had was a vision of wanting to make a measurable difference in the lives of others. Now, looking back, we can see how well he realized his vision as he has helped and continues to help motivate thousands as they go from mediocre to magnificent. (Read more about Tony on his website)

There’s no better time than today to partner with me to bring hope and inspiration into someone’s life. In giving someone a copy of SHE HAS A BIG ‘BUT’! you’ll share 15 stories of women who overcame challenges, their big ‘buts,’ and found success and joy in life. From the woman who faced a breast cancer diagnosis to the woman who defied medical science to save her son’s life. Plus, there are 4 bonus sections which help you find your:
1) Joy
2) Inner Peace
3) Life
4) Dream

This is your chance to make a measureable difference in someone’s life today! (And in your own!)

Email me with B1G1 in the subject line for details! jean@jeanbaileyrobor.com
Offer ends 11/25/2011 at midnight, EST.

Celebrate life! The secret to living is giving!

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