Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams
Only You Can Change Your Life

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

And there it was…

Christmas in all its glory, in November. No, there wasn’t snow on the ground; it wasn’t even cold enough for that, but that will come, probably well after Christmas, in January, if I’m lucky. But today, as I walked through the downtown area, Christmas was there. It wasn’t too flashy, not much glitz—yet—but the street lamps had been decorated, just today, and that was all it took for my thoughts to turn to all things Christmassy.

I thought back to last year. How thankful I was to have had all my adult children in the house at the same time. I hoped it would work out that way this year as well. It seems harder to arrange now that they live so far away. Even so, whatever time and whenever I see them will be fine…and wonderful!

Walking down the sidewalk with the street lamps adorned with greenery makes me feel like I’ve gone back in time. Sure, they’re electric street lamps but they have that old-time look and feel. The atmosphere, with the cool crisp air, compels me to dream of holly days.

And dreaming of Christmas gives me a reason to celebrate life. Not all Christmases have been happy times, but dwelling on the ones that have, and dreaming of the ones that will, is good for the soul. I can’t help but smile, thinking of all those goodies I’m going to make, how the house will smell, how it will sound with the hum of friends and family sharing together, and the glow of the Christmas tree.

And there it is….another reason to celebrate life, and it all started with the trimming of a street lamp and the advent of the spirit of Christmas in my heart. I hope you’ve found a reason to celebrate life today. If not, look around you, really look, and see if you can find what God has sent your way to realize that life can, and should, be celebrated!

Joyfully yours,

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