Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams
Only You Can Change Your Life

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Social Media? It Works for Me!

I knew 2012 would be a good year. I just had a feeling. Do you ever get that? Somehow it just feels like good things are coming even when you can’t see what’s coming. It all started way before 2012 when I first discovered social media. You know, Twitter, Facebook, etc. I had no idea how valuable my discovery would be.

Today, I use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn regularly to stay connected, make new connections, promote ideas, services and products and, let’s face it, goof off a bit at the end of the day. I believe in sprinkling in some fun with your business.

Over the years I’ve come to realize that, even though social media can work for me, it can also be a time-sucker. That’s why I think it’s so important to be aware of the time spent and the reasons why you’re using it in the first place.

For pleasure:
Tip #1- Be sure you’re aware of how much time you’re spending online each day.
Tip #2- Don’t allow social media to get in the way of face-to-face relationships with friends and family.
Tip #3- Have fun but be aware that anything you post online is there to stay for the world to see (including your spouse, your kids, your pastor, your boss and your mother).

For business:
Tip #1- While connecting electronically is important, there is no substitute for face-to-face and phone conversations to make a strong connection.
Tip #2- Post regularly; stay current. (Use HootSuite to schedule posts and post to multiple social media sites simultaneously.)
Tip #3- Get the word out about yourself, your products / services BUT be sure to offer value to potential clients (i.e. helpful articles, tips to make their lives easier, etc) and, above all, be a friend.

Because of using social media sites, I’ve gained exposure that I never would have gained otherwise. I’ve sold products, acquired clients and speaking engagements. In fact, just this week I was featured in a newspaper article. And I didn’t even have to ask for it. It all started when a reporter contacted me via Twitter. You can read the article here. (By the way, I just love that my local newspaper sees the value in using social media.)

It doesn’t happen overnight. You have to build your presence, build your brand and stay current. You have to be interesting and approachable. And, whether you’re using social media for business or pleasure, never post when you’re emotional. We all have our moments and there are some moments we should just keep to ourselves. 

2012 isn’t over yet. And although I’ve experienced a lot of good things, I have an idea, like my mom says, the best is yet to come. How about you? Do you feel it? We’re only halfway there. Will the last part of 2012 bring good things for you? Believe it! And use social media sites to help make it happen!

To your success,

For more information on how to get started using social media, email me