Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams
Only You Can Change Your Life

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chick-fil-A and Other Good Things about Today

Snowed under. No, there’s no snow outside, but inside…you know what I mean. A to-do list a mile long with no end in sight. That’s how today started. Not really a bad thing, but definitely busy. So busy that, when lunchtime rolled around, I knew I needed to escape for a bit. Get in some me-time so I could be better when I did get back to that to-do list.

Fortunately, just around the corner is a nice little restaurant that’s perfect for lunch. It’s called Ariel’s Diner and offers different specials several days a week. Today’s was baked spaghetti. Yum! I couldn’t resist. I’d brought a book with me which made it even sweeter, especially since I seem to be having difficulty in finding time to read these days. (I’m a bit of a nerdy girl.)

The book I’d chosen is by Martin Brossman and Anora McGaha. Martin had taught a class I’d attended recently so I was eager to see what he had to say on the subject of Social Media for Business (which, by the way, is the book’s title). And I discovered something really cool. Tweetbeep.com. If you haven’t discovered it yet, be sure to check it out, especially if you’re a business owner. According to the site, it's like Google Alerts for Twitter. And there’s lots more cool stuff where that came from: in the book.

Those are some of the good things that happened to me today.

And there’s more…(haven’t gotten to the Chick-fil-A part yet)!

The afternoon went well as I made some headway through my list. I don’t know about you, but I like to check off tasks as I go. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment. So, on my whiteboard, I list (or add to the list) each morning and watch it dwindle as I mark through each item (or most items) before the end of the day. Of course, after a few hours, I realized I’d been sitting at the computer way too long. I decided to take a short walk around the downtown Burlington area. You’d be surprised how rejuvenated it can make you feel just to walk around a few blocks. Makes it even better when you see people you know (or even those you don’t know) and share a word, a smile, a comment about the beautiful weather.

Just as I rounded a corner, a vehicle with two young men swings over to the curb and one of them says, “Hey, would you like a Chick-fil-a cow?” The other one is grinning and holding, you got it, a small toy Chick-fil-a cow out the window. My response, “Sure, I love Chick-fil-a!” Which is so true. They hand it to me and I can see they have more. They pull off and head on down the road. So now as I write this blog, the little cow sitting on my desk reminds me to Eat Mor Chikin’.
But as I continued my walk before coming back inside, I wondered at all the good things I’ve let slip by me. Today, for some reason, I chose to notice all those little things that make up a day, that brighten up my days. And I’m convinced more than ever that it’s those little things that make the biggest difference. A kind word, a smile, a nice meal in a pleasant atmosphere, an unexpected gift, and all those to-do’s that are checked off at the end of the day.

Were there some bad things today? Oh, a few. But when I weigh the pros and cons, the good things outweigh the bad by a mile. So that’s what I choose to focus on: Chik-fil-A and all the good things about today.

By the way, I have inside information that Ariel’s special on Wednesday is chicken pie and then, there’s always chicken at Chick-fil-A. The little cow has convinced me; let’s Eat Mor Chikin’!


Check out Ariel's Diner on Facebook!
Check out Chick-fil-A on Facebook!