Fulfill Your Dreams

Fulfill Your Dreams
Only You Can Change Your Life

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tell Them--You'll Make a Difference!

Is there someone in your life whom you admire? Perhaps a relative, a friend or a colleague?

Many times we go through life, noticing the good qualities of others yet failing to tell them. They may not realize that their kind word or gesture made a difference in our life or the lives of others. It's time to tell them! Giving praise where it's due is a good thing. It's a gift you can freely give. It won't cost you a dime but it offers a great return on the short amount of time you've invested. You'll be blessed!

Sometimes it seems that negative criticism comes easier than praise. Even so, that's no excuse to keep our positive thoughts to ourselves. Let the good things in your heart flow; let your words lift up someone else. What you say may be the only positive comment they hear today. Wow, that's pretty powerful!

Recently, a friend of mine did something for someone else that I felt was pretty awesome. It was an act of giving without expecting anything in return. It touched my heart in knowing this as I'm sure it touched the heart of the recipient of his gift. I sent a simple email, praising his generosity.

Take a moment. Can you think of someone who has touched your life or the life of someone else? Today is a good day to let them know. Not only will you be a blessing to them, but you'll find it makes you feel pretty good as well.

And it won't cost you a dime.

Is there something you admire about someone in your life? Tell them!

Admiringly yours,

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